42 research outputs found

    Analisis Kemanfaatan Budaya Berbahasa Inggris Pada Sektor Pariwisata Berkelanjutan dI Era Industri 4.0

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    Abstract. English has an important role in the sustainable tourism sector through communication media with the aim of promoting abroad, service, good communication between foreign tourists and tourism actors, and the surrounding community which ultimately relates to the development of local tourism progress in the sustainable tourism sector in the industrial era. 4.0. Tourist actors must master English, especially the surrounding community, namely simple conversation, mastery of language and basic conversation. This study aims to examine the Benefits of English-Speaking Culture in the Sustainable Tourism Sector in the Industrial Era 4.0 in Gorontalo Province. The analytical method used is descriptive qualitative analysis. This paper shows that English-speaking culture in the sustainable tourism sector in the industrial era 4.0 in Gorotalo Province is needed with the aim of increasing foreign tourist visitors, facilitating communication using English and also as a promotional event abroad about local tourist destinations in the Province. Gorontalo. English has an important role in the tourism sector as a basis for people around tourist destinations and those who work in the tourism industry to be able to communicate well using English.Abstrak. Bahasa Inggris memiliki peran penting dalam sektor pariwisata berkelanjutan melalui media komunikasi dengan tujuan sebagai promosi ke luar negeri, pelayanan, komunikasi yang baik wisatawan asing dengan pelaku wisata, dan masyarakat sekitar yang pada akhirnya berhubungan dengan pengembangan kemajuan wisata lokal pada sektor pariwisata berkelanjutan di era industri 4.0. Pelaku wisata harus mengusai Bahasa Inggris terutama masyarakat sekitar yakni percakapan sederhana, penguasaan bahasa dan percakapan dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji Kemanfaatan Budaya Berbahasa Inggris Pada Sektor Pariwisata Berkelanjutan di Era Industri 4.0 di Provinsi Gorontalo. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif deskriptif. Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa budaya berbahasa Inggris pada sektor pariwisata berkelanjutan di era industri 4.0 di Provinsi Gorotalo sangat diperlukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan pengunjung wisatawan asing, memperlancar komunikasi dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan juga sebagai ajang promosi ke luar negeri tentang destinasi wisata lokal yang ada di Provinsi Gorontalo. Bahasa Inggris memiliki peranan penting dalam sektor pariwisata sebagai dasar bagi masyarakat sekitar destinasi wisata dan yang bekerja di industri pariwisata agar mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

    Hepatic transaminase and alkaline phosphatase enzyme levels in HIV/HBV co‑infected and HIV mono‑infected patients in Maiduguri, Nigeria

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    Background: Studies have shown that HIV‑HBV co‑infected patients have an increased risk of liver‑related morbidity and mortality compared to their HIV‑mono‑infected counterparts. Furthermore, it has been reported that HIV‑HBV co‑infected patients have a significantly high incidence of drug‑induced hepatotoxicity following commencement of HAART than HIV‑mono‑infected patients.Objectives: To compare the levels of aspartate amino transferase (AST), alanine amino transferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALKPO4) enzyme levels between HAART naïve HIV‑HBV co‑infected patients and their HIV‑mono‑infected counterparts.Materials and Methods: A cross‑sectional descriptive study in which 142 newly diagnosed HIV/HBV co‑infected and HIV mono‑infected adults were investigated for alkaline aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase enzyme levels.Results: The study subjects comprised of 80 (56.3%) females and 62 (46.7%) males. The age range of the study population was 15‑65 years. The mean ages of male and female subjects were 45.5 ± 10.5 years and 39.1 ± 7.5 years respectively (P < 0.05). Sixty‑three (44.4%) study subjects were HIV/HBV co‑infected while 79 (55.6%) were HIV mono‑infected. The mean ALT enzyme level of HIV/HBV co‑infected subjects was significantly higher than that of HIV mono‑infected ones i.e., 42.12 IU/l vs. 27.86 IU/l, (P = 0.038). However, there was no statistically significant difference in the mean AST (30.14 IU/l vs. 29.09 IU/l, P = 0.893) and ALKPO4 (55.86 IU/l vs. 60.97 IU/l, P = 0.205) enzyme levels between HIV‑HBV co‑infected and HIV mono‑infected subjects albeit the two enzymes were moderately elevated in both categories of subjects.Conclusion: The significantly elevated ALT enzyme levels amongst HIV‑HBV co‑infected subjects suggest that HIV‑HBV co‑infected patients may have an increased risk of liver‑related morbidity and mortality than their HIV mono‑infected counterparts. Screening for serological markers of chronic HBV infection, as well as hepatic transaminase enzyme levels in all newly diagnosed HIV‑positive patients is therefore recommended before commencement of HAART.Keywords: Alkaline phosphatase enzyme, hepatitis B virus surface antigen, hepatic transaminase enzymes, human immunodeficiency virusNigerian Journal of Clinical Practice • Oct-Dec 2013 • Vol 16 • Issue

    Seroprevalence of IgG anti- T. Gondii antibody among HIV-infected patients in Maiduguri, north eastern Nigeria.

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    Background: Toxoplasma gondii infection is one of the commonest opportunistic infections in HIV-infected patients, with the fatal consequences of toxoplasmic encephalitis particularly in advanced disease. However, data regarding T.gondii infection in the setting of HIV/AIDS are scant in Nigeria. Objective: To determine the seroprevalence of T.gondii amongst HIV-infected patients as well as to determine the correlation between anti-T.gondii IgG titre and the CD4+ cell count/HIV-1 RNA viral load. Method: A cross sectional study in which a total of 190 subjects were involved i.e. 110 newly diagnosed HAART naïve HIV-positive patients and 80 apparently healthy HIV-negative age- and-sex matched controls that were selected by simple random sampling method. Results: The age range of the study population was 20-64 years. The mean ages of male subjects for both HIV-positives and controls were 37.52 ±8.20 years and 35.79 ±12.31years, respectively, (p= 0.462). On the other hand, the mean ages of female subjects for both HIV-positives and controls were 29.90 ±6.98 years and 32.30 ±10.29 years, respectively, (p=0.149). Twenty one subjects (19.1%) among HIV-positives and 1 (1.25%) HIV-negative tested positive for anti-T.gondii IgG, respectively, (p= 0.000). The prevalence rate ration of anti-T. gondii IgG of HIV positives compared to HIVnegatives was 15.28. Significant proportion of anti-T.gondii positive subjects presented with AIDS defining illnesses compared with their anti-T.gondii negative counterparts. Conclusion:The study has shown that anti-T.gondii IgG is about 15 times more prevalent among HIV positive patients compared to controls. Routine screening for T.gondii IgG anti-body is therefore recommended for all HIV-infected subjects at the facility as well as commencement of chemoprophylaxis against Toxoplasmic encephalitis in HIV-infected patients with CD4+ cell count of <100 cells/ml


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    We present a numerical simulation method for designing geodetic networks. The quality criterion considered is based on the power of the test of data snooping testing procedure. This criterion expresses the probability of the data snooping to identify correctly an outlier. In general, the power of the test is defined theoretically. However, with the advent of the fast computers and large data storage systems, it can be estimated using numerical simulation. Here, the number of experiments in which the data snooping procedure identifies the outlier correctly is counted using Monte Carlos simulations. If the network configuration does not meet the reliability criterion at some part, then it can be improved by adding required observation to the surveying plan. The method does not use real observations. Thus, it depends on the geometrical configuration of the network; the uncertainty of the observations; and the size of outlier. The proposed method is demonstrated by practical application of one simulated leveling network. Results showed the needs of five additional observations between adjacent stations. The addition of these new observations improved the internal reliability of approximately 18%. Therefore, the final designed network must be able to identify and resist against the undetectable outliers – according to the probability levels

    The Effect of Split Nitrogen Application on Patterns of Dry Matter partitioning in Sugar beet

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    Abstract\ud The effect of split application of nitrogen fertilizer on dry matter (DM) partitioning patterns, yield and quality of sugar beet was studied in a field experiment at Brat Abad, Fariman during 2001 growing season. Three levels of nitrogen fertilizer (N ,70 ; N2 ,140 ; N3 ,210 kg N/ha) were split as S1, %100 at sowing ; S2, %75 at sowing and %25 at thinning; S3, %50 at sowing and %50 at thinning ;S4, %25 at sowing and %75 at thinning. Factorial experiment based on a randomized complete block design with 4 replications was used. Dry matter partitioning towards storage roots in N1 and in N2 treatments switched at 66 and 76 day after emergence, respectively. In S1 spliting pattern more DM was allocated to root in all growth stages. So that in 1400 GDD (5 Aug) amount of dry matter partitioning to storage roots and tops was equal to %50 while at this stage, partitioning of dry matters to storage roots in S2, S3 and S4 were % 47, % 44 and % 38 , respectively. Nitrogen levels had significant effect on polarity, Na, K, recoverable sugar yield, white sugar content and molass sugar. However, these effects on root and sugar yield and N-amino was not significant. Higher rates of nitrogen fertilizer, led to decrease in polarity, white sugar content and recoverable sugar yield. However, root yield, Na, K, N-amino and molas sugar increased in response to N levels. Maximum net sugar yield (4.4 ton/ha) was obtained in the lowest N application. In this study, effect of different patterns of nitrogen spliting and interaction between spliting patterns and nitrogen rates on quality and quantity of sugar beet was not significant. However, maximum net sugar yield (4.8 ton/ha) was obtained in N1S1 where the lowest level of N fertilizer was applied at sowing. \ud \ud Keywords: Sugar beet, Dry matters partitioning, Root yield, Sugar yield, Nitroge

    Influence of e-WOM engagement on consumer purchase intention in social commerce

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    Purpose: As a business paradigm, social commerce (s-commerce) has brought about a new stage of innovation, and by extension, has transmuted the power from seller to buyer. S-commerce is a combination a commercial and social activities in which individuals may spread word of mouth (WOM) about their shopping experiences and knowledge and provide information about product and services to their to their friends. This kind of social interactions among individuals has increased the potentials of eWOM communication. Given such a backdrop, this paper aims to look into the influence of eWOM engagement on consumers’ purchase intention in s-commerce, which may complement the current effort of the research community in this area. Design/methodology/approach: This study used elaboration likelihood model, theory of reasoned action and social support theory to investigate the influence of eWOM engagement on consumers’ purchase intention in s-commerce. The study used 218 respondents to evaluate the proposed model using SmartPLS. Findings: The empirical results indicate that information characteristics, consumer behavior and technological factors exert a positive influence on consumer purchase intentions. All hypotheses between attitude toward eWOM, information credibility, innovativeness, website quality and eWOM engagement are significant. Also, eWOM engagement has a significant positive influence on consumer purchase intention. However, information quality and social support does not have any significant relationship with eWOM engagement. Research limitations/implications: This study seeks to address the dearth of research in the field of s-commerce, especially as it relates to eWOM. The study proposes a new model and empirically validates the hypothesized relationships. This research can serve as a stepping stone for future research in this field. Practical implications: This study is one of the early studies focusing on the influence of eWOM engagement, especially in s-commerce. The study offers comprehensive and empirically validated factors pertaining to eWOM engagement in s-commerce. The results of this study are also important to practitioners and online companies’ managers. The study’s model has demonstrated the contextualization of what makes customers engage in eWOM and its influence in s-commerce. The study will also offer insights for firms on how to encourage eWOM engagement among customers. Originality/value: A new eWOM engagement model in s-commerce is proposed with consideration on information characteristics, consumer behavior, technological and social factors. The model is validated afterwards

    Phytochemistry and Proximate Composition Of Fruit Pulp And Seed Of Desert Date, Balanites aegyptiaca (Del.)

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    Fruit pulp and seed nutritional and anti-nutritional composition of desert date (Balanites aegyptiaca Del.) was carried out using standard biochemical procedure. The samples were collected from various locations within the premises of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto main campus. Percentage moisture of the ripe samples (seeds and pulp fruit) was analyzed for proximate, minerals, anti-nutritional, ascorbic acid as well as the physicochemical parameters of the seed oil. The results revealed that the seeds and fruit pulp contained high amount of crude protein (9.35% and 3.97%), lipid (25.0% and 20.0%), ash (6.0%), available carbohydrates (56.31% and 75.53%) with calorific value of (487.67 kcal/100 g and 498.0 kcal/100 g) and the pulp contained high moisture content (60.17%). The mineral elements analyzed show that, the fruit (seeds and pulp) is rich in potassium (383.33 mg/100 g and 256.33 mg/100 g), magnesium (23.67 mg/100 g and 10.67 mg/100 g ), iron (5.97 mg/100 g and 9.77 mg/100 g), zinc (21.47 mg/100 g and 28.73 mg/100 g), and manganese (3.67 mg/100g and 2.50 mg/100 g) were present relatively in large quantities. The pulp content appreciable concentration of ascorbic acid is 17.97 %. Results of anti-nutritional analysis revealed high content of total oxalate (26.25% and 48.75%) and phytic acid (858.95 mg/100 g and 242.91mg/100 g). The oil has saponification value (151.20 mg KOH/g oil), iodine (14.53 g/100 g), acid (14.55 mg KOH/g oil) and peroxide (8.06 meq/kg oil) values. The values of various nutrient and mineral elements varied significantly among the fruit parts (seeds and pulp), which implies potential of different parts can be harnessed to better the lotsof humanity. This is subject to further validation as the fruits, possessed anti-nutritional factors like oxalate and phytic acid, which need to be tackled appropriately while considering the fruits for value addition as health food